Jan. – Pastors Ude and Koenig visited the field. Pastor Kossi is training three new men and we pray these will be faithful and carry through. There are two congregations totaling 115 members and they are trying to open more stations. Dec – Pastor Ude visits Togo with Pastor Gideon from Ghana. Pastor Kossi is

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January — Pastor Gideon was visited by Pastors Ude and Koenig. Gideon continues to try to support himself with grants from the CLC. He has some contacts in Tema and Accra. Pastor Ude will now take over the visitation and contact here. December — Pastor Ude visits with Pastor Gideon.

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I Cor. 16:9  ‘For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.’ November 30, 2008 We in the Lutheran church simply believe what God’s Word says: “He saved us, not because of deeds done by us in righteousness, but in virtue of His own mercy, by the washing

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I Cor. 16:9  ‘For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.’ November 14, 2008 We are glad to report that in October Larry Hansen, Mark Bohde and I visited the Upper Myanmar Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kalaymyo, Myanmar. They have had correspondence with the secretary of the

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History of India, Lutherans in

1909-2009 Introduction A lot can happen in one hundred years. Think of how our country has been transformed through the hundred years from 1909 to 2009 from the horse and buggy to the nuclear age. In this study we look at another transformation. What has happened with the Lutheran churches that were in India in

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History of South Africa

2008 Correspondence had been carried on between Pastor Denis Mulumba of the ELCC and Pastor Koenig. Encouragement was given to Pastor Denis to do outreach work beyond the Democratic Republic of Congo. He decided to try in Johannesburg, SA. He, his wife and baby are now located in Joburg with the attempt to gather French

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History of Myanmar

2008 Extensive correspondence was carried on by the Secretary of the Mission Board, Pastor Ohlmann with the Upper Myanmar Evangelical Lutheran Church beginning in February and carrying on into the Spring. It was proposed to have a visitation by CLC representatives to the UMELC. This was approved at a June meeting of the Mission Board.

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NCLC January — Pastors Ude and Koenig visited the field and went over the work we do jointly with our brothers. Three graduated from the institute and two students remain in the five year program. Work at Bauchi among Muslims was ended as there was no result. Pastor Matthew Ude will now be taking over

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LCEA (Oct.-Nov. 2008) – A visitation was made in October and November by Mission Board Chairman Bruce Naumann, Russ Schmitt and Missionary Mayhew. Pastor Naumann and Missionary Mayhew spent 6 days teaching in the seminary and participated in the Graduation of the first class from St. Peter’s Seminary in Himo. Eight men were graduated from

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