B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER #176 I Cor.. 16:9  ‘For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.’ Sept. 15, 2010 With the Lord Pastor U.S. Ukpong of the NCLC in Nigeria was called home earlier this year.  After he retired from teaching school, he attended the NCLC Bible Institute in

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TCLC – Arusha (Aug.-Sept. 2010) – At the CLC East African Pastoral Conference in Kisii, Kenya a reorganization took place which divided our churches into three districts. One district was the TCLC – Arusha under the leadership of Pastor Jeremiah Issangya. Mission Board Chairman Todd Ohlmann, Russ Schmitt, Stephen Mayhew, Pastor Michael Gurath and Missionary

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER #175 I Cor.. 16:9  ‘For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.’ Aug. 29, 2010 Martin Essien(NCLC), Nigeria , after concluding the Christian burial of his father, was able to join Pastors Ohlmann and Mayhew in Congo to join in the visitation there. We thank

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER #174 I Cor.. 16:9  ‘For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.’ Aug. 15 2010 What a blessing to dwell together in the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace! The CLC has its pastors and laymen out among our brothers and sisters

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June Pastor E E Essien president of NCLC is called home to his Lord. August Pastor Matthew Ude returns to Nigeria early to be there for the victory service of Pastor E. E. Essien. Due to militant activity Pastor Ude’s normal visitation routine is disrupted, but thanks to God there is no more serious problems.

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Aug 2010

Pastor Ude visits Togo for a week. He continues work with the new men that Kossi is training to help him with the Lord’s work there in Togo. Together they spend a week beginning study in Wedland’s “Go and Teach”.

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August 2010

Pastor Ude returns to Ghana briefly. Pastor Gideon travels to Togo to be present for the last half of the week of teaching in Togo. Pastor Ude and Pastor Gideon return to Ghana for a few days and visit Pastor Gideon’s congregation.

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2010 – August

Pastor Nathanael Mayhew (part-time visiting missionary to East Africa), Pastor Todd Ohlmann (CLC Bd of Missions Chairman), and Mr. Martin Essien (of the Nigeria-CLC) spent 12 days the Lubumbashi, Congo area to visit the leaders and pastors of the ELCC and CCLC with prayer for lasting reconciliation so that the work of spreading the truth

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER #173 I Cor.. 16:9  ‘For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.’ July 31, 2010 NCLC-Nigeria Word was recently received that, upon the passing of Pastor E.E. Essien, Pastor Patrick Udo has been elected as the new president of the NCLC. Your prayers are requested

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2010 CLCI Graduation

Report and pictures from the 2010 CLCI Seminary Graduation

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