Burma 2008

A video with pictures and music from Dave’s visit to Myanmar in 2008.

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER # 137 I Cor. 16:9 ‘For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.’ February 1, 2009 Pray for One Another Pastor Thang was not able to come to India with Pastor Kham. He was suffering from a nervous disorder on one side. He is head

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2009 Work

Feb. 2009 CLCI Evangelism Effort Pastor Ude worked in the CLCI previously in a trip with the CLCI team in an evangelism effort. Now it was my turn. In our meeting with the CLCI leaders previously we arranged how long to be up there. More Bibles that I brought, as well as New Testaments and

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February 2009

Pastor Raju reports that the translation of two booklets titled What the Bible and Lutherans Teach and My Church and Others has been completed and are now waited to be printed. Funding from the CLC-MDF has been approved for the printing of 1000 copies of each booklet at a cost of $650. These booklets will first be distributed to

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B.A.S.I.C Newsletter #136 I Cor. 16:9  ‘For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.’ January 10, 2009 In January Pastor and Mrs. Koenig will be going back to India. We thank the Lord that the President and Secretary of the UMELC will be able to come to

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2008 Christmas Greetings

2008 Christmas Greetings from India

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