BASIC Newsletter #254

[download id=”341″ format=”10″] The Meaning of Immanuel The following is an excerpt from “Die grosze Weissagung vom Jungfrauensohn in ihrem historisehen Rahmen,” by August Pieper. Quartalschrift, October, 1904, p 219ff. Translated by John Jeske, with some minor updating. The full essay can be found on the WELS Essay website, Let us turn our attention

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B.A.S.I.C. Newsletter #253

[download id=”340″ format=”10″] The Seven Prayers of Advent The ancient church there were seven special prayers which were used for one week proceeding Christmas, from Dec. 17 – 23. Each of these seven prayers begins with a different name from Christ. Because they all begin with an “O”, they are often referred to as the

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[download id=”338″ format=”10″] New Missionary to India The LORD answered our prayers for a new foreign missionary to India when He called and led Pastor Ed Starkey to accept this calling in the Gospel ministry. Pastor Starkey, who is replacing Pastor David Koenig in India, will be working side by side with Pastor Matthew Ude.

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B.A.S.I.C. #251

[download id=”336″ format=”10″] The Solas of the Reformation Sailing at night without compass or GPS, North becomes the greatest direction. It can be found by the shinning of the polar star, and from it all other directions can be ascertained. The ship can then be sailed straight and true towards home. Although no doctrine of

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We as Christians have the greatest of expectations, though now our life may be filled with toil, turmoil and trouble. Our end though is beyond all our expectations in bliss and glory. The word translated as 'hope' in both the Old Testament and the New Testament means 'expectation'.

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