BASIC Newsletter #260

Volume 12 Issue 5 [download id=”355″ format=”10″] The SDA Church – Part 3– Hell Missionary Matthew Ude Continuing our series on the SDA church we will take a look this week on their teaching concerning hell. Hell Concerning death and hell the SDA church writes the following:  There’s one upside to human mortality: nobody will

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BASIC Newsletter #259

B.A.S.I.C. #259 Volume 12, Issue 4 [download id=”354″ format=”10″] The SDA Church – Part 2 – Sabbath This month we are going to continue our series looking into the claims of the Seventh Day Adventist church. In the last issue we acknowledged that there may indeed be true Christians among the SDA church, however the

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BASIC Newsletter #258

B.A.S.I.C. #258 Volume 12 Issue 3 [download id=”349″ format=”10″] CLC Work in Myanmar The government of Myanmar is far better now to deal with than five or six years ago. No bribes were paid this time. Conditions of travel are improving. For all this and more we thank our Lord who rules over all. Pastor

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