B.A.S.I.C. #282

Volume 13, Issue 12 The Augsburg Confession: Third Article By Pastor Nathanael Mayhew In Article 3 the reformers begin to set the foundation for what would be the pivotal articles in the Augsburg Confession. This article discusses the person and the work of Jesus, the Christ. A proper understanding of this article is vital for

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B.A.S.I.C. #282

Volume 13, Issue 12 The Augsberg Confession: Third Article By Pastor Nathanael Mayhew In Article 3 the reformers begin to set the foundation for what would be the pivotal articles in the Augsburg Confession. This article discusses the person and the work of Jesus, the Christ. A proper understanding of this article is vital for

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B.A.S.I.C #281

Volume 13, Issue 11 The Augsburg Confession: Article Two, Of Original Sin By Pastor Nathanael Mayhew Article 2 of the Augsburg Confession deals with the fundamental problem faced by the human race – sin. The existence of sin cannot be denied by any reasonable person since it is abundantly evident in the world around us. Yet

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B.A.S.I.C #280

Volume 13, Issue 10 The Augsburg Confession: Article One, Of God By Pastor Nathanael Mayhew The first article of the Augsburg Confession defines the person and nature of God. Every civilization in the world has a belief in “god” in one form or another. These “gods” are not all the same – there are many different

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B.A.S.I.C. #279

Volume 13, Issue 8 The Augsburg Confession By Pastor Nathanael Mayhew A copy of the Augsburg Confession can be found at https://clclutheran.org/atlanta/bibleclass/bookofconcord/augsburgconfessiondocument.html   The Augsburg Confession is probably the most familiar and most widely used of all the particular confessions of the Lutheran Church. It can be found printed in the front of many Lutheran

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