Pornography, How to Respond

Introduction: What is Pornography? Pornography has many definitions depending on the person who wants to define it. Generally, pornography is defined as “printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings.” 1 From this definition one can see how

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Volume 14 Issue 19

A Day for Giving Thanks By Pastor Matthew Ude [ A note for our international brothers: November 23 was Thanksgiving, an national holiday in the US ] Psalm 136 is a psalm giving thanks to the Lord in which the Hebrews recounted the things that God has done for them. This Thanksgiving is good chance

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Todd Ohlmann

Pastor Ohlmann serves Faith Lutheran Church in the St. Louis, MO area and is also the chairman of the CLC Board of Missions. He leads short-term Mission Helper Trips to India, Nepal, and East Africa

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Peter Evensen

Our current missionary in Togo, West Africa

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Volume 14 Issue 18

The Augsburg Confession : Article 27 Concerning Monastic Vows This article is a follow-up to the church customs and traditions mentioned in Article XV. In that article the Lutherans stated that monastic vows were one of several customs which were abused in the Roman Church, and those abuses are taken up here in Article XXVII.

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Volume 14 Issue 17

The Augsburg Confession: Article 26 Of the Distinction of Foods Church Customs This article goes into more detail on the Church customs and traditions spoken of generally in Article XV. There the Lutheran confessors stated that church customs established by men were only useful if they were “observed without sin” and if they “contribute to peace and good

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Volume 14 Issue 16

The Augsburg Confession: Article 25 Confession by Pastor Nathanael Mayhew Confession In Article 11, which also dealt with the topic of Confession, we have already discussed the Biblical role of absolution as connected to confession and the errors (both perceived and real) on the part of the Roman Catholic church. As we continue with the

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