B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER # 84 I Cor. 16:9  “For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” October 30, 2006 The following Reformation message is sent to us by Pastor Mark Bohde.  Pastor Bohde and family have lived in Thailand for a number of years.  He taught and preached

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER # 83 I Cor. 16:9  “For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” October 15, 2006 Thumbnail Sketches – Revelation Where does one start to do a brief summary and sketch of this deep book? Before even studying it one should study the clear passages

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2006 (CLCI)

June – Six graduated from the seminary at Nidubrolu. Thirty-two are enrolled. September – Joint Pastoral Conference was held in Guntur from the 27th to 29th. October – Pastors Ohlmann and J. Fleischer worked at Nidubrolu.

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2006 (BELC)

September began the planting for the 8.2 acre paddy land purchased by the CLC as a self-help project. September saw pastors attending the Joint Pastoral Conference held at Guntur. October was a time for Pastors Ohlmann and J. Fleischer to work in the areas supervised by Pastors Victor and Moses.

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October 2006

ECLC-Etago Oct.24-25th the Second Annual Pastoral Conference was held at Kisii with Etago hosting. Missionary was in the field in October. The second classroom was built and money was issued for a third classroom for the 81student, 4 teacher aids orphan school. Statistics – Etago has six congregations with 856 souls served by two pastors

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER # 82 September 30, 2006 I Cor. 16:9  “For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” REPORT ON THE INDIA PASTORAL CONFERENCE OF CLCI AND BELC – Sept. 27-29, 2006 Fifty eight of our India brothers gathered for study in the Word and fellowship in

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2006 Work

Hello All — The following comes from Missionary David Koenig, who is serving as the CLC on-site missionary in India. Our CLC mission program is supported primarily from local “mission” offerings to the CLC General Fund, as well as through your congregational contributions to the Mission Development Fund (MDF). — Pastor Bruce Naumann, Mission Board

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER # 81 Sept. 12, 2006 I Cor. 16:9  “For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” www.lutheranmissions.org is the website where we have a lot of information you, our brothers, can use off the internet like essays and teachings. Also, if you look at it

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER # 80 Aug. 29, 2006 I Cor. 16:9  “For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” Thumbnail Sketches – I Peter Do you want to find out about suffering? First of all go to the end of the four Gospels and see it in our

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER # 79 Aug. 11, 2006 I Cor. 16:9  “For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” Thumbnail Sketches – James While there are several James’ mentioned in the New Testament, this author is the half-brother of our Lord. Mt. 13:55  At first he with the

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