B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER # 122 I Cor. 16:9 ‘For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.’ June 23, 2008 Bible Challenges-continued Quiz Book by F.H.Moehlmann Quiz: Name the Prisoner(The answers are below) 1. This prisoner was placed in charge of all other prisoners. 2. He called himself a

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India/Nepal Visitation, May 2008

Pastor Todd Ohlmann is a member of the CLC Board of Missions, and a part-time foreign missionary to India. He departed on May 12 for a three-week visitation to India and Nepal. He will be working and traveling with CLC Missionary Matthew Ude. Pastor Ohlmann will be posting regular updates on this trip at travel

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Extensive correspondence was carried on by the Secretary of the Mission Board, Pastor Ohlmann with the Upper Myanmar Evangelical Lutheran Church beginning in February and carrying on into the Spring. It was proposed to have a visitation by CLC representatives to the UMELC. This was approved at a June meeting of the Mission Board.

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER # 121 I Cor. 16:9 “For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” May 30, 2008 Pastor Nathanael Mayhew Beginning this year Pastor Mayhew will replace Pastor Koenig in the visitations to East Africa. I was glad to be able to work with our brethren

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER # 120 I Cor. 16:9 “For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” May 11, 2008 Pentecost Let us celebrate the Holy Spirit’s work on the 1st Pentecost as well as now. Centrifugal or Centripetal? Introduction In the March report to the Mission Board I

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