A Taste of India(BELC)

Persecution – Pastor Peter Bhasker of Chittoor Dist. had recently bought land and done digging for a foundation in his village. But radical Hindus said they did not want a Christian church built there. And the local politician(MLA) supported them so that the construction is at a standstill. Pastor had done everything legally, but now

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God Rules

Sometimes Christians in their weakness may wonder 'why this is happening to me?!' Though we know our God is all-knowing and all powerful, the thought may cross the mind 'how long must I endure before He acts?'

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER #226   I Cor.. 16:9 ‘For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.       October 14, 2012   As we celebrate the Reformation this month think how in the Lutheran Reformation the Family was returned to its rightful place as God-given  and not

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Liberia Dream, From Grace Lutheran

Like Cold Water to a Thirsty Soul is Good News from a Far Country There are many ways of doing outreach in the world. One method that has been on the increase among Christians is by a congregation initiating work. In the CLC this has been happening also. Here is a report on such from

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Pastor G. D. Bakthavachalam

Pastor G. D. Bakthavachalam is 73 years old at this most distant congregation in the Chittoor Dist. of the BELC. He is the white-haired man in the pictures. It has been decided to gather perhaps 20 men at his church to begin instruction in our Lutheran teachings. We want to get this established before the

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We as Christians have the greatest of expectations, though now our life may be filled with toil, turmoil and trouble. Our end though is beyond all our expectations in bliss and glory. The word translated as 'hope' in both the Old Testament and the New Testament means 'expectation'.

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BELC Nellore and Renigunta

Speaker: Moses Raghu

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