Do The Work of an Evangelist

In this study we consider how we aught to be doing the work of proclaiming the Good News, evangelizing. We consider how first of all we are the Spirit’s instruments. This does not diminish though in any way our efforts at evangelization. Secondly, we remember how in our efforts we have to always keep Christ

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Do the Work of an Evangelist

In this study we consider how we aught to be doing the work of proclaiming the Good News, evangelizing. We consider how first of all we are the Spirit’s instruments. This does not diminish though in any way our efforts at evangelization. Secondly, we remember how in our efforts we have to always keep Christ

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Do The Work of an Evangelist

In this study we consider how we aught to be doing the work of proclaiming the Good News, evangelizing. We consider how first of all we are the Spirit’s instruments. This does not diminish though in any way our efforts at evangelization. Secondly, we remember how in our efforts we have to always keep Christ

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B.A.S.I.C. #278

Volume 13, Issue 8 The Catechisms of Luther By Pastor Nathanael Mayhew We have considered the ecumenical confessions of the early Christian church and have seen how the early church found it necessary to go into greater detail with their confessions and articles of faith in order to defend against error and false teaching, and

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Do The Work of an Evangelist

In this study we consider how we aught to be doing the work of proclaiming the Good News, evangelizing. We consider how first of all we are the Spirit’s instruments. This does not diminish though in any way our efforts at evangelization. Secondly, we remember how in our efforts we have to always keep Christ

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Do The Work of an Evangelist

In this study we consider how we aught to be doing the work of proclaiming the Good News, evangelizing. We consider how first of all we are the Spirit’s instruments. This does not diminish though in any way our efforts at evangelization. Secondly, we remember how in our efforts we have to always keep Christ

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B.A.S.I.C. #277

Volume 13, Issue 7 The Athanasian Creed By Pastor Nathanael Mayhew Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the Catholic faith. Which faith except every one do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly. And the Catholic faith is this, that we worship one God in

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