B.A.S.I.C Volume 14 Issue 1

The Augsburg Confession Article 11 Confession There are two separate articles in the Augsburg Confession which are titled “Of Confession” – Article 11 and Article 25. The first of these is found in the main section of the Augsburg Confession, and is very short. The second is found with the “Articles in dispute” and is

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2014 Mission Helper Trip

CLC Mission Helpers: Sam Rodebaugh, Raven Haight, Michaela Naumann, Tom Naumann, Alyssa Krause, Rob Sauers, Lucas Brown, Neal Wietgrefe, Erica Wietgrefe, Ashley Elliott, and Pastor Todd Ohlmann spent three and half weeks in Nepal traveling with Raju and Rajan Bhitrakoti and other pastors of the HCLCN as they carried out child evangelism in several current or prospective congregations of the HCLC-Nepal. Hundreds of children were taught

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2014 Mission Helper Trip

Sam Rodebaugh Raven Haight Michaela Naumann Tom Naumann Alyssa Krause Rob Sauers Lucas Brown Neal Wietgrefe Erica Wietgrefe Ashley Elliott Pastor Todd Ohlmann

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Raju Bhitrakoti attended Immanuel Lutheran Seminary in preparation for starting the Himalayan Bible Institute in Kathamandu. He graduated three weeks early in the spring of 2015 so he could return to Nepal to provide assistance and leadership in administering the earthquake relief funds from the CLC following the devastating earthquake on April 25th, 2015.

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The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during WW II was Winston Churchill. He stated that if ever a country in Africa would succeed after independence due to a number of factors it was Uganda. But then there was the coup with Idi Amin taking over, the cannibal Idi Amin. Now the head of state

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B.A.S.I.C. #290

B.A.S.I.C. –DECEMBER 2015 Greetings in the name and for the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Dear Brothers And Sisters In Christ, it has been our tradition for the past several years to give the Board of Missions the privilege of sending greetings to all of you through the December issue of the

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