The Method of Applying Water in baptism

THE METHOD OF APPLYING WATER IN BAPTISM Introduction Most if not all in this essay may be old hat to some. But it is not so long and established to some who call themselves Lutheran. Even so-called Lutherans today deny aspects of baptism that we have held from Scripture as true for long ages.

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A Cultural Practice for then. . . or commanded by God for now?

A CULTURAL PRACTICE FOR THEN OR COMMANDED BY GOD FOR NOW? Introduction At the outset of this study the tone is set by the Word unmistakably. This is not just lip service, but heart and soul commitment. Since God is the author of Scripture (IIPet. 1:21, II Tim. 3:16), we listen attentively. He is not

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Zorn’s Basic Hermeneutical Principles

ZORN’S BASIC HERMENEUTICAL PRINCIPLES Pastor Zorn, a former missionary in India, had a series of basic principles of interpretation that he followed. These principles directed his exegesis work. l) The Bible must be interpreted according to its own claims that it is the inspired Word of God in all its parts. Therefore it is only

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The Kingdom of God

THE KINGDOM OF GOD Introduction When the word ‘kingdom’ is used there is generally connected with it: a realm, boundaries of geographical space, rule of force, an army and police forces to maintain order, a monarch on a throne with all the trappings. How different and greater is the kingdom of God. As we shall

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The Earth is the Lord’s and the Fullness Thereof

THE EARTH IS THE LORD’S AND THE FULLNESS THEREOF Ps. 24:1 Introduction A robber may approach us to take from us what is ours and to gain it for himself. He may threaten us, ‘Your money or your life.’ If we don’t give him our money, he will take our life. He uses brute force.

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Introduction This is a simple title for a complex subject. In this study we search the Word to see what God has to teach us. The perspective of this study we can easily draw from the epistle which instructs so very much on suffering, I Peter. We remember who and what we are and where

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Homiletical Points – Preaching the Living Word

HOMILETICAL POINTS – PREACHING THE LIVING WORD Introduction Even now we see in our mind’s eye the apostle Paul preaching at Athens or at any number of other places the Living Word of God which is the very same Word which we possess. And as we picture the scene we thrill to consider the work

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Freedom in Fulfillment, Form and Function

FREEDOM IN: FULFILLMENT, FORM AND FUNCTION Introduction In the study of government and politics the age- old tension between freedom and order is readily seen. In our Christian life we also see this. The tension be can be reduced in this area as in any by the intense use of the clear Word of God.

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15 Principles of Biblical Interpretation

FIFTEEN PRINCIPLES OF INTERPRETATION (HERMENEUTICS) l) We work with a translation. Since we work with a translation, the translation is only accurate as long as it expresses the truth as recorded in the original languages. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew with a small part in Aramaic, while the New Testament was written in

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Encounters of a Spiritual Kind

Introduction In the following examples from Scripture we try to learn ways and attitudes which will better enable us to witness of our Lord to others. These examples are drawn from a casual perusal of the Gospels and Acts. It is by no means exhaustive. As with the basketball strategy of ‘one on one’ we

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