B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER #193 I Cor.. 16:9 ‘For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.’ May 25, 2011 ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2009-2010 OF BEREA EV. LUTH. CHURCH/BELC, CHENNAI AND THIRUVALLAURE, INDIA District of Chennai 39 pastors serving 43 congregations. We are conducting monthly meetings twice a month. We
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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER #192 I Cor.. 16:9 ‘For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.’ May 15, 2011 The Lord is in Charge Pastor Kham, who is the secretary of the CLCM, Myanmar recently had a motorcycle accident that sent him to the hospital. This also contributed
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In 2009, Holy Cross Lutheran Church of Phoenix, AZ, began a Gospel partnership with a group of Christians in Emmaus Milimani (near Moi’s Bridge), Kenya. During a visit to the United States in May, Anna Sagala of Kenya attended worship services at Holy Cross with her family. Anna expressed her delight in having found “a
Read MoreDomestic Mission congregation series: Tacoma, Washington
Domestic Mission congregation series: Ascension Lutheran Church, Tacoma, Washington Ascension Lutheran Church worships in a graceful little chapel located just east of Tacoma, Washington. Three miles from the Tacoma Dome and almost within sight of beautiful Puget Sound, this group of 46 believers serves as a beacon of light in a notoriously un-Christian environment. Only
Read MoreHoly Cross Lutheran Church and School Emmaus Milimani
Report for Holy Cross Lutheran Church and School Emmaus Milimani Near Moi’s Bridge, Kenya School – The Emmaus Hill School is in its third year of operation. The School year runs from January through November with the months of April and August recessed. This school has been a welcome addition to the community due to
Read MoreBibles
Once Missionary Matthew Ude was visiting a village of rat catchers. These men earn a living by catching rats from the fields for the farmers. They are so poor they often have no recourse but to eat the rats they catch. They were poorly educated and could not read, and yet they clung to their
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Many of the villages where our pastors preach lack buildings for worship. Even the simplest mud huts with a thatch roof are sometimes beyond the means of the pastors and congregations. Often we attempt to help congregations by providing a roof once they have built the walls. It costs us about $500 a roof. Further we provide assistance when
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