Kenyan Church of the Lutheran Confession

Etago (St. David’s Church and School) Pastor Enosh, PO Box 115, Kenyenya, Gucha, Kenya email – kenyalutheranconfession [at] yahoo [dot] com ph. +254-735-165-876 Chotororo  Pastor Fred Ogendo email – frogendo [at] yahoo [dot] com ph. +254-720-250-690 Kajiado Pastor Paul Papani email – voiceofmasai [at] yahoo [dot] com ph. +254-701-445-775 Kenuchi Evangelist Isaac Onchina isaaconchina [at]

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Pastor Todd Ohlmann

CLC Board of Missions Chairman — thohlmann [at] gmail [dot] com — Cell: (314) 517-0177   Faith Lutheran Church of West St. Louis County 1183 Big Bend Rd Manchester, MO 63021

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Matthew Ude

— matthew [dot] ude [at] lutheranmissions [dot] org 507 Grover Rd., Eau Claire, WI 54701, USA, (715) 955-4642 cell in the US (715) 450-2257

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B.A.S.I.C. #285

Volume 13, Issue 15 Augsburg Confession: New Obedience By Pastor Nathanael Mayhew The title for this article is “New Obedience”. While that term does not occur in our article, it is a good summary of what is being presented here. Note: Many of the titles we have for the articles of the Augsburg Confession in our Book

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B.A.S.I.C. #284

Volume 13, Issue 14 Augsburg Confession: Third Article, The Means of Grace By Pastor Nathanael Mayhew The Means of Grace True Lutherans are unique on their understanding of the Means of Grace. No other branch of Christianity attributes to the Gospel the efficacy and power which Luther and his followers did, and still do. It

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B.A.S.I.C. #283

Volume 13, Issue 13 The Augsburg Confession: Justification By Pastor Nathanael Mayhew The Chief Article This article on justification is the chief article in the entire confession. To the average reader it may not seem like this article is of great importance especially when one considers the brevity in which it is presented. But as

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