Initial Contact – 2010 Pastor Ibrahim (who was trained in the CLC-East Africa Seminary in Himo, Tanzania) visited Zambia at the invitation of a friend who wanted to start a CLC congregation in Zambia. He found several individuals who were troubled that they couldn’t find a Lutheran church that taught the truth. 2011 Pastor Ibrahim
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Initial Contact – 2010 Pastor Ibrahim (who was trained in the CLC-East Africa Seminary in Himo, Tanzania) visited Zambia at the invitation of a friend who wanted to start a CLC congregation in Zambia. He found several individuals who were troubled that they couldn’t find a Lutheran church that taught the truth. 2011 Pastor Ibrahim
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2009 – Initial Contact Pastor Liberty Atawa first learned about the CLC through internet searches and was led to contact the CLC via email. Correspondence began with Pastor Todd Ohlmann. Following the initial correspondence, Pastor Mark Gullerud led Pastor Atawa through a correspondence course. 2011 Pastor Todd Ohlmann, Pastor Matthew Ude, and Pastor Ibrahim (from
Read MoreDie Kryptocalvinistischen Streitigkeiten
Schon 1540 gab Melanchthon seine Überarbeitung der Confessio Augustana heraus, die sog. CA variata. Sie enthielt keine Verwerfung der reformierten Lehre vom heiligen Abendmahl mehr. Weiterhin unterhielt Melanchthon freundschaftliche Beziehungen mit Johann Calvin, sodass er zunehmend in Gegensatz zu Luther geriet, wie auch Georg Maior, der persönlich von Luther gerügt wurde. Die Unklarheit in der
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The Augsburg Confession, Article 16 – Of Civil Authority by Nathanael Mayhew This was a very important article in the eyes of emperor Charles V, especially in light of the events within Germany during the past 10 years. In 1524-25 a revolt known as the Peasant’s Revolt raged in Germany, which became one of the
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The Augsburg Confession Article 15 Of Church Usages By Nathanael Mayhew What are church usages? A more understandable title might be “Church Customs and Traditions” which would adequately describe the content of this article. Here the reformers discuss the dangers associated with customs and traditions when they are abused and made necessary for salvation. At
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