A Little History Lesson as we Celebrate the Lutheran Reformation

From the Field October 17, 2016​ This month we celebrate the Lutheran Reformation. God restored so very much to His church of the Word’s teachings that had been hidden for so long as the antichrist covered over the truth. We must also admit though that we Lutherans were slow to carry the Word into all

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Volume 14 Issue 15

The Augsburg Confession: Article 24 Of the Sacrifice of the Mass by Pastor Nathanael Mayhew More on the Lord’s Supper The doctrine of the Lord’s Supper is spoken of in the Augsburg Confession more often than any other doctrine. In Article X the Lutherans clarify their teaching on the bodily presence of Christ in the

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Kinship is the branch of CLC Missions, which supports and promotes orphans and students overseas.

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Online Classes

New online classes, including theology classes, adult instruction, catechism, and classes about our foreign and domestic mission work.

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What does God say about . . . ?

Questions and answers from scripture about concerning contemporary problems and trends in our society.

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Brothers And Sisters In Christ Newsletter

The CLC missionaries write a regular newsletter, B.A.S.I.C, which helps to keep all our brothers informed about what is going on around the world.

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Written in Tongues.

The missionaries of the CLC devote time and resources into producing solid biblical material in a number of languages. We work with many indigenous pastors in order to translate simple but solid material into the language of the people.

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Volume 14 Issue 14

The Augsburg Confession: Article 23 Of the Marriage of the Priests by Pastor Nathanael Mayhew The Marriage of Priests   This is a subject which has been of source of great contention between members within the visible church for hundreds of years. It continues to be a “hot topic” in our time, as is seen

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