Starter Library
Starter Library
(For Pastors in the Foreign Fields)
One of the primary goals of the CLC Board of Missions is to train indigenous pastors and evangelists in the truths of God’s Word and to prepare future leaders who can continue the work of training pastors. Having theologically sound materials to learn and teach from is vital to this work.
The particular books listed here have been suggested by our full-time and visiting foreign missionaries to Africa and Asia as a good starter library for the indigenous pastors serving in foreign fields who have the ability to read and study in English.
If you would like to contribute to this effort by providing a “Starter Library” or one or more books you can order any or all of the books through the CLC Bookstore. (www.clcbookhouse. org) An entire library would cost about $400.00. The cost for individual books is listed alongside each book. The purchased books will then be hand carried to the foreign fields by our Missionaries and Mission Helpers.
1. Book of Books by J. Schaller ($18)
2. Biblical Interpretation: The only right way by Kuske ($13.50)
3. Dictionary of the Bible by W. Smith ($8)
4. Law and Gospel by Koester ($16)
5. Bible Difficulties and Seeming Contradictions by W. Arndt ($22)
6. Baptized into God’s Family by Das ($15.50)
7. Light from Above by Koehler ($10)
8. Summary of Christian Doctrine by Koehler ($25)
9. The Word of the Lord Grows by Franzmann ($21)
10. Romans by Franzmann ($18)
11. Luther’s Small Catechism, Sydow ($15)
12. Luther’s Large Catechism, Janzow($8)
The People’s Bible Commentaries:
13. Genesis ($18)
14. Exodus ($15)
15. Kings ($14)
16. Samuel ($16)
17. Isaiah I ($17)
18. Isaiah II ($17)
19. Daniel ($14)
20. Matthew ($17)
21. John ($15)
22. 2 Corinthians ($14)
23. Galatians-Ephesians ($14)
24. 1,2 Timothy & Titus ($14)
25. Hebrews ($13)
26. Revelation ($15)