January 2012
January 2012 – 1st West Africa CLC Pastoral Conference
Missionary Matthew Ude joined the pastors and members from our fellow church bodies in West Africa for a joint conference in Badagari Nigeria. Members from the NCLC in Nigeria, the EELCT in Togo, and one young man from Ghana were present. Following is a list of the essays that were given:
Mission Work in the Apostolic Age and its lessons for Today
Financial Difficulties of African Churches
The Apostle’s Instruction Regarding Division in the Christian Church
Preaching the Gospel to the Unchurched
The Divine Call
Is the Devil Real?
An Introduction to the Gospel of John
The Bible Institute held graduation on December 2010. During which Nse Sunday Elijah graduated. Graduation was held also December 2011. During which Okpan Monday and Anthony graduated. All three students have now been assigned churches. There is the possibility of three new students coming at some point this year.