January 2009
Pastors Matt Ude and Todd Ohlmann arrived on January 19th and traveled to the Chitiwan area and conducted three days of pastoral training with the original nine pastors of the HCLC-Nepal. There were also 14 independent pastors in attendance who are interested in learning more about Lutheran doctrine. Since there were these new men in attendance and the CLC Statement of Faith and Purpose has now been translated into Nepali, the three days of seminars were spent reviewing and explaining the doctrinal positions set forth in the CLC Statement of Faith and Purpose as well as an introduction to Luther’s Catechism. The men in attendance all agreed with what was taught and are excited to continue monthly training seminars.
Seminars titled, Saved by the Grace of God, were taught in three congregations. A visitation was also made to an area of northern Nepal near the Tibet border where a young evangelist, who is associated with the HCLC-Nepal, has been working to spread the Gospel. This young man has no formal theological training. He has expressed his agreement with the CLC Statement of Faith and Purpose and has requested further training in the word that he may better serve the Lord and His people.
All the pastors of the HCLC-Nepal have continued to meet monthly as they study through the book Shadows and Substance in preparation for teaching it to the members of the congregations they serve. They will also be studying through the booklet My Church and Others and the 14 doctrinal essays that Missionary Koenig has prepared as soon as they have been translated and printed.