June 18, 2000 – The first service was held by the new congregation of 32 adults and 24 children. They set up a board of elders and a pastor, Samson, who had been 7th Day Adventist…”
Some had been looking for a new church in their area of Etago, Kisii to replace the churches they were in, namely the Roman Catholic and the 7th Day Adventist. Inquiries were made among tourists from America who travelled nearby through the Great Rift Valley. A non-CLC friend from Michigan, upon being asked, recommended they investigate the CLC. Correspondence was carried on, a visit by Missionary Koenig and his wife came about. Doctrinal unity was established.
The present faithful head of the church, Pastor Enosh, leads a congregation of 102 church members; 39 adults and 63 children. An Aids Orphan School begun in Nov. ’03 with 80 children has grown by leaps and bounds. The most recent report from our Kinship Committee reported 10 teachers and 223 children. For all of this we praise our Lord and thank Him that He has given us the opportunity to work with our Kenyan brothers and sisters.
In 2009, through Kenyans visiting Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Phoenix, AZ, work began in the Moi’s bridge area of Kenya. This effort is supported through a special fund at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Phoenix. Through the efforts of Holy Cross and Pastor Mike Gurath, a school and congregation have been started at Emmaus Milimani. Pastor Mike Gurath, under a call issued by Holy Cross, spent most of 2010 in Kenya helping to establish the school and congregation. He also spent time teaching in the Chotororo seminary.
Pastor Gurath now serves as the part-time missionary to both Kenya and Uganda. His visits consist of 1) organizing and leading a joint pastoral conference 2) visiting both Etago and Moi’s Bridge schools and conducting teacher training seminars 3) visiting various congregations throughout Kenya and Uganda.