2013 – January
I, Missionary Matthew Ude, along with my wife Vanessa arrived for the 2012 visit on January 14th.
I taught the pastors of the CCLC for two days starting earlier in the morning and going late into the afternoon. We went through an in depth study of the means of grace. We were able to attend service in Kipushi, Kalubwe, and Whiski with Pastor Yumba. We meet with the young adults and the women of the CCLC, both were very interested in establishing closer ties with the US. They asked about channels where they could more easily meet and dialog with christian brothers in the US. They were further interested in materials for studying and teaching the Word of God.
We had some small problems getting across the border into Zambia, but when we made it a large gathering of the members of three different churches were waiting for us in Kitwe. We spent two days discussing the Sacraments with all the members who were able to make it. On the afternoon of the second day we meet with just the leaders and briefly skimmed through the CLC Statement of Faith and Purpose as an introduction to our church.
We were planning to visit the congregations in North Katanga but were not able to make this work because of time and the rains. Instead we held classes in the afternoon with the Pastors in and near Lubumbashi for three days. We studied Noah and Baptism, parables, and homiletics. We were able to worship with the congregation at Kenia and Muzakuza’s own congregation, Trinity. In both churches the women asked for helping in setting up a small business aimed at helping members of the congregations.
We finished with a joint pastoral conference with the pastors of the CCLC and ELCC.
Lusaka, Zambia
Because of the rains and the limited time, Ibrahim suggested it would not work well to attempt a pastoral conference in Lusaka. We were able to spend a day doing village evangelism, and had a worship service at the same village.
It was suggested by everyone that August would be a more opportune time to visit. It is our plan to follow this advice beginning this coming August.