2008 Work
Hello All — The following comes from Missionary David Koenig, who is serving as the CLC on-site missionary in India. Our CLC mission program is supported primarily from local “mission” offerings to the CLC General Fund, as well as through your congregational contributions to the Mission Development Fund (MDF). — Pastor Bruce Naumann, Mission Board Chairman
The Holy Spirit is promised by Christ to all those who "believe in His name." He teaches us the truth of God's word, comforts us with God's promises, strengthens us in faith, and is the seal of Christ upon our hearts. What other gifts does He give? How do we know He is with us? What happens with the laying on of hands? Is there a difference between the baptism of the Spirit and regular baptism?
Read MoreFellowship
Fellowship is the common union of God with man in what we call the church. It is found in His word, in prayer, in worship, in singing, in baptism, and in the Lord's Supper. It is found as we grow closer to Christ in His word, and as we grow closer to Christ we grow together closer to one another. Fellowship is the union of a common confession, of a united heart, and of one Lord.
How happy we are to dwell together in the peace of Christ! We have that peace of heart and mind that surpasses all human understanding. We know Him as the Crucified. And we know Him as the Resurrected. We have peace with God through this our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This we believe and
As Lutherans we are very concerned about using God’s Word properly. “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of truth.” II Tim. 2:15 Part of ‘rightly handling God’s Word’ has to do with using the two great teachings of the Bible correctly. When, how and why do we use Law and Gospel?
May the God of peace Himself sanctify you wholly;… I Thess. 5:23 Once we believe by the power of the Spirit in the Lord Jesus Christ, then it is that His Spirit works with our spirit. This work of preserving us in faith and of working within us to will and to work for His good
We in the Church of the Lutheran Confession and in our sister churches do not have persons who have visions from God. We do not speak in tongues. We do not perform exorcisms. None of us have the power to heal through our laying on of hands. We freely admit this and give glory to
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