B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER # 151 I Cor. 16:9  ‘For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.’ August 31, 2009 A passage explained – John 14:12 The great overriding principle of Bible interpretation is “The Scripture explains Scripture.” It is not a matter of anyone’s private interpretation as Peter

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER # 150 I Cor. 16:9  ‘For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.’ August 12, 2009 A passage explained – Mt. 24:40-41 “Then two men will be in the field; one is taken and one is left. Two women will be grinding at the mill;

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Mero Mandali ra aruharu ko

My Church and Others Sixth Edition John Theodore Muller

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2009 August

During a visitation by Pastor Koenig serious difficulties were being dealt with that caused the situation in the ELCC to be one of great concern for prayer. A division over administration practices has caused several pastors and their congregations to form a different church. The majority of the ELCC and this smaller group over a

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER # 149 I Cor. 16:9  ‘For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.’ July 31, 2009 The Business of the Church The late Lutheran Pastor Hoyer, who wrote a well-known devotional also wrote on outreach. Below is an excerpt of his in an all-encompassing essay

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER # 148 I Cor. 16:9  ‘For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.’ July 15, 2009 CLC Mission Helpers to India The CLC Mission Helpers arrived safely in India yesterday.  They will be working with both the BELC and the CLCI for the next two

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God’s Word is our Great Heritage

A short discussion of foreign mission activity

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The 2009 seminary graduation day was a very festive and special occasion in the CLCI. By the wonderful grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the climax has come for the 11th batch of graduates from the CLCI seminary. We call these ceremonies as “commencement exercises,” because Graduation is not the end; it’s the

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