November 2009

Pastor Matthew Ude returns to Nigeria. Pastor Eric and Pastor Essien Michael join Pastor Ude in an open pastoral conference in Lome Togo. Plans are made to make visits regular between Togo, Ghana, and the western churches of Nigeria.

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India Floods, Oct. 30 Update

Dear CLC Members, The latest report from Pastor Jyothi Benjamin of the CLCI, regarding the tragic loss of life and property from recent floods, is below. Please see the link to the photos he sent, at the bottom of the page. The Board of Missions has sent an initial $5,000 to the CLCI, to begin our assistance. We are estimating that there will be an urgent need, to help with even basic necessities, in excess of $20,000.

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// B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER # 155 I Cor.. 16:9  ‘For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.’ October 30, 2009 We thank the Lord that Pastor V.S. Benjamin, head of the CLCI,  is home from the hospital and recovering. Pray for his health. Reformation celebration Each year we celebrate

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Vast Flooding in Andhra Pradesh, India

Dear CLC Members — Recent severe flooding in India has caused untold hardship for millions of people. It has happened in Andhra Pradesh State, where our fellow believers of the CLCI live. As Pastor Jyothi Benjamin reports below, there are 3 known deaths among CLCI members due to the flooding. 12 congregations and 36 preaching

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Joint Asia India Conference 2009

Pastor Jyothi Benjamin reports on the recent Pastoral Conference in Nellore, India, involving representatives of the BELC and CLCI (India), UMLC (Myanmar), and HCLCN (Nepal). Includes photo gallery from this blessed event.

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER # 154 I Cor.. 16:9  ‘For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.’ October 15, 2009 In these next BASIC’s we will be reviewing reports that were given during the 9th annual meeting of our lead pastors in India. This year we also invited men

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2009 (CLCI)

Mission Helpers came and worked to assist in July. They were: Peter Evensen, Dorena nd Katie Wiechmann. June 15th saw the graduation from the three year program with both missionaries present. Twelve graduated. Oct. 1-2 saw representatives attend the Joint Leaders’ Conf. in Nellore.

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2009 (BELC)

Graduation from MLBS (1st) took place on Feb. 20th with both missionaries present. Sixteen men graduated. Mission Helpers came and worked at MLBS and in the districts in July. They were: Pastors Frank Gantt, Todd Ohlmann, Stephen Eichstadt, Mike Naumann, Josh Ohlmann, Jackie Schwersinske, Johanna Reim, Carly Meyer. October 1-2 saw the Joint Leaders’ Meeting

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER # 153 I Cor.. 16:9  ‘For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.’ September 28, 2009 Prayers are needed for Pastor V.S. Benjamin, the founder and head  of the CLCI in India.  He entered the Hospital on September 1st with lung and neurological problems.  He

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER # 152 I Cor.. 16:9  ‘For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.’ September 15, 2009 Wall Calendars In past years Pastor Naumann has sent calendars to leaders of CLC sister churches. This year we are doing something different. Pastor Ude has made up a

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