Bangladesh Lutheran Church Mission (BLCM)
Pastor Monotosh Banarjee Gopalgonj, Bangladesh Email: monotosh [dot] lutheran [at] gmail [dot] com Phone: +880 1720-542179
Read More2014-2018
There were no visitations to the D.R. Congo from 2014-2018. This was partially because of a lapse in having a CLC missionary assigned to the DRC and to the difficulty in obtaining visas during the national elections. Missionary Ohlmann was able to visit with Pastor Yumba in northern Zambia in 2017 and 2018.
Read More2020
Missionary Ohlmann’s annual visit to Tanzania was canceled due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Classes at Wartburg Lutheran Seminary were canceled for a short period of time due to Covid concerns but have since resumed in August. Much progress has been made on improvements to the seminary building, dormitory, and grounds with a grant from the
Read MoreJanuary 2019
Missionary Ohlmann spent two weeks in Tanzania. Along with Pastor Issangya and Mshana, he met with a group of independent pastor in Mwanza who are interested in joining the CLC-TZ. They spent two days discussing the doctrinal positions of the CLC and also visited three congregations. While in Arusha Missionary Ohlmann met with the faculty
Read More2020 – Fellowship Declared with Pastor Monotosh and the BLCM
Meet Pastor Monotosh Banarjee and the Bangladesh Lutheran Church Mission President Eichstadt recently declared fellowship between the CLC and the Bangladesh Lutheran Church Mission (BLCM). This will be ratified at the postponed 2020 CLC General Convention to be held in 2021. Bangladesh is a relatively small country in South Asia with a very large population.
Read MoreCongregation Confessionnelle Lutheranienne Du Congo (CCLC)
Pastor Yumba Lumbala Lubumbashi, DRC Email: elecotrad [at] yahoo [dot] fr Phone: +243818154870
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