First Week – India – Great

India May 26, 2015 This is directly from the field as I am having a great time in India serving the Lord for the first week. Here is the rundown so far in the BELC: •Taught 15 of the students at Martin Luther Bible School a segment on ‘Doing the Work of an Evangelist’ and

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B.A.S.I.C #276

Volume 13, Issue 6 The Nicene Creed By Pastor Nathanael Mayhew I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds, God of God, Light of Light,

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B.A.S.I.C. #275

Volume 13, Issue 5 The Apostles’ Creed By Pastor Nathanael Mayhew As Lutherans we state that the three ecumenical creeds (that is the Apostles’, Nicene and Athanasian) are true and an accurate statement of what we believe. As we study them, we notice that as each  developed they became successively longer, due to the devil

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B.A.S.I.C. #274

Volume 13, Issue 4 The Book of Concord By Pastor Nathanael Mayhew What are the Lutheran Confessions? How are documents which were written hundreds of years ago – in another continent across the world – important or valuable for us today? What use should we make of them? In this series we will consider these

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With every passing year human society has been moving in the direction of becoming more tolerant and approving of sexuality. Advocates speaking in favor of this manner of living have been found in the private sector, religious community, public education, medical field and in government. Evidence of this can be seen in the public schools of New York city where the

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What About Divorce? When may a Christian obtain a divorce? Introduction. Generalities are the peril of the preacher who has a fine scorn of technicalities.  One must be able to make the proper generalization out of a mass of details, but he is no theologian who is not first a grammarian, as Dr. A. M.

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Living Together Without Marriage

Increasingly, men and women choose to live as husband and wife without being married. This pamphlet will answer some questions asked about living together.

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