Spring 1990
A cyclone ravaged the area where our sister church, the CLCI, is located. There was extensive damage to property. The Kinship Committee, upon learning of this immediately sent over $3,000, sure that our people would respond to this need. Pastor David Koenig was sent to the ravaged area to consult with Pastor Benjamin on how
Read MoreSeptember 1989
Jyothi Benjamin began his courses at ILC and, upon finishing the two year program returned to India in July 1991.
Read MoreFebruary 1989
Pastor Norbert Reim, who had served for fifteen years in Nigeria, and Mr. Lee Krueger carried out a visitation. At the conclusion of this year we could look back and praise God that the Missionary/Expatriate Quota Number was granted by the Nigerian government and that the missionary gained resident status.
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A visitation team of Pastor Norbert Reim and Mr. Lee Krueger (member of the BoM) visited our sister churches in India. Besides reporting that they thoroughly enjoyed every day they were over there, they came back with recommendations, which were carried out. They recommended that three more acres be purchased, to add to the two
Read MoreJanuary 1989
Ever since the arrival of the resident missionary, the work with the government was going on to obtain a church missionary quota number. Without this number, no foreign missionary could work with the NCLC. The missionary could be required to leave Nigeria at any time. Finally, all necessary papers were completed and forwarded to the
Read MoreDecember 1988
In February of this year, the government notified the Institute that the state government must approve it. In December the state government gave notice of its approval.
Read MoreJanuary 1988
The Bible Institute began its second year of operation with three students in the first year (one completed the course and was passed into the next year) and with eight students in the second year. During this year, two new preaching stations were started.
Read MoreEaster 1987
It was determined that Patrick Udo was sincere in his desire to serve the Lord in the NCLC ministry. The NCLC Board aurhorized his ordination, which took place at the Nya congregations.
Read MoreJanuary 1987
Classes at the Lutheran Bible Institute began. This school was set up to train pastors for the ministry in the NCLC. Pastors Essien and Koenig taught with the help of Mr. Patrick Udo. It was to have one year of preparatory studies followed by a three-year course of a modified seminary program. Of the 12
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