June 2003

Pastor Karl Stewart met with Pastor Gideon on the work.

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER #10 May 20, 2003 I Cor. 16:9 “…a wide door for effective work has opened…and there are many adversaries. PASTORAL CONFERENCES AND MONTHLY SEMINARS “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” II Tim. 2:15

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER #9 May 8, 2003 I Cor. 16:9 “a wide door for effective work has opened…and there are many adversaries.” NEWS FROM THE ECLA (KENYA) Pastor Samson has sent this report on their work with AIDS children.  The congregation started a school for these children on 13th January 2003 called St. David Kinship Academy. 

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May 2003

The Seminary was started with nine students this first year, taught by five pastors with varying teaching loads. It was hoped that the subject matter could be caught up with as the normal school year starts in January. As it now stands, it is a three year seminary.

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER #8 April 24, 2003 I Cor. 16:9 “a wide door for effective work has opened…and there are many adversaries.” NEWS FROM THE LUTHERAN CHURCH OF EAST AFRICA – TANZANIA Pastor Angowi reports that with the beginning of May, the St. Peter’s Lutheran Seminary will begin.  There are at least ten men who will

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER #7 April 10, 2003 I Cor. 16:9 “a wide door for effective work has opened…and there are many adversaries.” PRAYER ALERT – As you read this, Bible Institute student at Efa, Patrick Johnny Ekpo, is on a mission exploration trip to the northern part of Nigeria, specifically to Kano, to investigate us doing

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER #6 March 26, 2003 I Cor. 16:9 “a wide door for effective work has opened…and there are many adversaries.” A question has arisen about manifestations of fellowship. cost of propecia We hold to what we call the ‘unit concept’ of fellowship which means from Scripture that, if we are in agreement on God’s

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER #5 February 15, 2003 I Cor. 16:9 “…a wide door for effective work has opened…and there are many adversaries.” PRAYER ALERT – You have been sent by regular mail a map and information on the NCLC’s (Nigeria) possible work next year in the Muslim north.  We ask you to pray over this that

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January-February 2003

Loren and Larry Hansen, Russ Schmitt and Josh Stelter worked on remodeling the building at Himo, Tanzania to be used as St. Peter’s Seminary. With the help of members there, they carried out extensive work: electrical, plumbing, carpentry. Furniture was also supplied for the furnishing of the seminary. The $27,000 for the purchase of the

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BASIC NEWSLETTER #4 January 28, 2003 B.A.S.I.C. This was suggested as the name for the newsletter. It stands for “brothers and sisters in Christ.”. The word ‘basic’ reminds us that basic to our fellowship is being part of God’s family, Agreeing on God’s Word, Sharing God’s Word with each other, and Giving God’s Word to

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