January 27 Began new school year with 3 first year students and 11 four year students. May The second house at the new site, for Pastor Udo, was dedicated to the glory of God by Pastor Stewart and the students and pastors. May 8-July 2 Pastor Karl Stewart was in Nigeria teaching and preaching, in

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June 2003 Pastor Karl Stewart visited with Kossi and his people and worked with them in Lome. November 2003 Pastor and Mrs. Koenig visited with Kossi. A loan of $500 was made to Kossi to plant sugarcane to support family and perhaps shift from teaching into full-time ministry.

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER #22 November 29, 2003 A door for effective work has opened, but there are many adversaries. PRAYER ALERT – I have just visited with Pastor Gideon in Ghana.  His wife Patricia is still alive, and suffering with her serious disease.  She is up north in Ghana with their young son, at her mother’s

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November 22-27, 2003

The first visit by the missionary to Katanga Province was carried out with the visiting of congregations. Meetings were also held with ELCC women, a translation committee and catechists. The meeting with ELCC pastors of south Katanga was to try to orientate them to us and our help for them.

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER #21 November 13, 2003 I Corinthians 16:9  For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries. CLC POLICY The CLC helps our sister churches overseas especially in the areas of outreach and training of pastors.  But our support can not go on forever.  We are also trying

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November 2003

The missionary visited, preaching and teaching in varioius settings. The Masai work continues being supported by the CLC especially in the Arusha area. Three new stations have been started: Mwakitau, Msitu wa Tembo, and Njoro.

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November 2003

The missionary visited Etago, teaching and preaching. There was a lot of discussion on if and how the CLC through Kinship would support the school. The plans were finalized for Samson and Enosh to go to the Himo Seminary in Tanzania starting next January. A sister congregation was started at Kenuchi of 25 members in

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November 2003

Pastor and Mrs. Koenig visited Gideon. A $300 loan was made to Gideon for trading. He will be investigating working in the ministry and in business in the area where his wife is staying with her mother.

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER #20 November 1, 2003 I Cor. 16:9 For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries. WE THANK GOD FOR THE TOOL TO REACH THOSE WHO WE WILL LIKELY NEVER SEE IN CHURCH, BUT MAY WELL SEE IN HEAVEN. A REPORT ON CLCI BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSE (By

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B.A.S.I.C. NEWSLETTER #19 October 20, 2003 I. Cor. 16:9  For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries. PRINCIPLES OF INTERPRETATION We Are To Interpret Scripture Grammatically – #11 We are to look at the very sentence structure and word meaning of the words in the Bible. For instance

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