Just the Truth

Doctrine and theology are not just for the seminary students; they form the basis for our hope in this life and the next.  Our souls will go to heaven or hell for eternity, so getting our beliefs correct should demand our utmost attention to detail.  For not only our souls, but the souls of those

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Life of Luther

The Turk was slashing his way op the valley of the Danube into the heart of Europe. God sat far off, not as a loving father but as a vengeful law-court judge inflicting all sorts of misery on mankind. In the forest lurked witches and demons seeking to drag the unwary to destruction.

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July 2017

CLC Mission Helpers spent three weeks in Nepal proclaiming the Gospel to more than 1500 children in HCLCN congregations and villages. https://2017clcmhtnepal.blogspot.com/ https://missionaryohlmann.blogspot.com/2017/07/from-nepal2017-mission-helper-trip.html https://missionaryohlmann.blogspot.com/2017/08/from-nepal-2017-mission-helper-trip.html

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Volume 15 Issue 02 – Easter Sunday

The Lord Prepares ALL that We May Have Life An Easter Sermon      |     Pastor Matthew Ude John 11:17-53 This text is all about preparation. He prepares the Jews First Jesus prepares the very ones who hated Him to carry out His will and deliver him up to death. At other times

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Good Friday ( Volume 15 Issue 1 )

Who Gains From the Cross? The Thief  ( Luke 23:39-43 ) It is understandable that the unbelieving world looks upon the crucifixion of Jesus as disturbing and does not understand the real meaning behind it. To them Jesus lost when He died. But when Jesus died on the cross, He did not lose, He won!

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Burma  February 22-March 8

The presence of Christians in the kingdom of Malea (North Burma) in the ninth century is recorded along with other south Asia centers by Didacus de Couto. It should be remembered that Marco Polo discovered Nestorian Christians amongst the Shans when the Mongol armies entered Burma in 1252. The first American foreign missionary, Adoniram Judson

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Volume 14 Issue 24

Redeeming Holy Days from Pagan Lies — Christmas by Pastor Joseph Abrahamson   SUMMARY: It is common in our day to hear claims that Christian teachings and holidays aren’t Christian at all but are merely rewrapped pagan teaching and holidays. Such claims are often accompanied by phrases such as “the earliest church fathers . . .”

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