Volume 14 Issue 17

The Augsburg Confession: Article 26 Of the Distinction of Foods Church Customs This article goes into more detail on the Church customs and traditions spoken of generally in Article XV. There the Lutheran confessors stated that church customs established by men were only useful if they were “observed without sin” and if they “contribute to peace and good

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Volume 14 Issue 16

The Augsburg Confession: Article 25 Confession by Pastor Nathanael Mayhew Confession In Article 11, which also dealt with the topic of Confession, we have already discussed the Biblical role of absolution as connected to confession and the errors (both perceived and real) on the part of the Roman Catholic church. As we continue with the

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Volume 14 Issue 15

The Augsburg Confession: Article 24 Of the Sacrifice of the Mass by Pastor Nathanael Mayhew More on the Lord’s Supper The doctrine of the Lord’s Supper is spoken of in the Augsburg Confession more often than any other doctrine. In Article X the Lutherans clarify their teaching on the bodily presence of Christ in the

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Volume 14 Issue 14

The Augsburg Confession: Article 23 Of the Marriage of the Priests by Pastor Nathanael Mayhew The Marriage of Priests   This is a subject which has been of source of great contention between members within the visible church for hundreds of years. It continues to be a “hot topic” in our time, as is seen

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Volume 14 Issue 13

The Augsburg Confession: Article 22 Of Both Kinds in the Sacrament By Pastor Nathanael Mayhew   Disputed Articles   Beginning with Article XXII the Lutherans deal with those issues that they knew were at variance with the teachings of the Roman Church. These issues include the Lord’s Supper (Articles XXII, and XXIV), the Priesthood (Articles

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Volume 14 Issue 12

Purgatory and the Bible Written by Nathanael Mayhew    The Roman Catholic teaching about purgatory is closely connected to its teaching concerning the prayers of the saints. The doctrine of purgatory was first established by Pope Gregory I in 593 AD. He declared that souls of believers enter purgatory for purification before passing into heaven and that prayers

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Volume 14 Issue 11

The Augsburg Confession: Article 21 Of the Invocation of Saints By Nathanael Mayhew   The topic discussed in this article is that of the role of departed Christians in the lives of Christians still in this earthly life. In our editions this article is entitled “The Cult of Saints” – pointing out that it is

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Volume 14 Issue 10

The Augsburg Confession: Article 20 Of Good Works  By Pastor Nathanael Mayhew   Good Works   This article, though placed near the conclusion of the first section of the Augsburg Confession, follows naturally after the study of Article 6 – Of New Obedience. The foundation laid in that article is necessary for a proper understanding of

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Volume 14 Issue 9

The Augsburg Confession – Article 19 Of the Cause of Sin By Pastor Nathanael Mayhew At first it may seem that this article is rather unimportant compared to other articles contained in the Augsburg Confession. Is an explanation of such a basic doctrine unnecessary? As we look ahead to the Roman Confutation on this article,

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Volume 14 Issue 8

The Augsburg Confession: Article 18 – Of Freedom of the Will By Nathanael Mayhew Article 2 (Of Sin) and Article 18 (Of Freedom of the Will) are very closely connected, because when a person comes to a faulty conclusion on one, he will usually have a faulty understanding of the other. The errors of Pelagius

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