Andaman and Chengelput Report

Delivered by Deepak - BELC a. Currently teaching “Summary of Christian Doctrine” and “Shadows and Substance” in both district b. Orissa – When Deepak became a Christian his parents told him he must choose us or Christ. For 15 years no contact with his family. His family thought that he had dies in the Tsunami so they asked pastors in Andaman looking for information about Deepak. Now he found out that many of his family are now Christian. c. Pray Requests – church buildings, orphanages, schools, paddy land, start work in Orissa

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BELC Southern Districts

Delivered by D.Paul - BELC a. 161 souls added to the church this year b. Confirmation – All pastors are teaching Wednesday or Tuesday evening bible study on small catechism. When ready for confirmation the pastor meets with them individually to deal with any special conditions or problems. c. Lord’s Supper is celebrated twice monthly, some congregation every month d. Film ministry this year in over 33 villages e. Tuition Centers - Out of work youth help conduct tuition Centers, where they help children in the area. These youth receive no money for their work. f. Rajamani is currently supporting a few medical camps g. Dave asked about the possibility of getting the Luther Film Dubbed into Tamil – D Paul said he would look into it.

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Child Evangelism in BELC

Presented by Rajamani - BELC a. Youth of congregations teaching Sunday School Regularly ( 8,284 children ) b. VBS Program i. Next year “Christ is our Manna” ii. Many Hindu and Muslim children attend iii. Volunteers provide snaks iv. Youth do teaching

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CLCI CLC Missionary Visits Report

Delivered by V. D. S. Raju - CLCI a. Missionary Matthew Ude’s Visit October 2010 b. Brother John Rohrbach visited from 17th Dec to 4th Jan – brother john gave away many many gifts and visited 9 congregations c. Rev. David Koenig visit February 2011 – preach with much visual aids – opened new prayer shed at Dandamudi village d. Brother David Lueck visited September 2011 – preached on Samaritan Woman – Taught teaching techniques of Jesus

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CLCI General Report

Delivered by Nireekshana - CLCI a. Receiving a good number of phone calls based on Tract distribution b. Activities through which members are joining CLCI i. 1% Special Need ii. 2-3% Walked in to the church iii. 5-10% Tracts and Evangelism iv. 15-20% VBS – Sunday School v. 24-30% Gospel Meetings vi. 15-20% Church Programs vii. 55-70% Friend or Relative c. CLCI has built 6 new prayer sheds and is desperately praying for 12 more in the coming year at the cost of $1,000 USD each d. 27 converted Muslims are now pastors in the CLCI ( 1985 – 2011 ) – these pastors then return to the Muslim areas e. Tribal Outreach - The Tribal people of India have no income, no jobs, little too eat and even schooling is denied to their children. The CLCI reaches out with the Gospel, but also with education, teaching reading and writing, distributing slates and slate pencils, and twice yearly conducting Medical Camps f. Other Ministries i. Audio Ministry ( sending out CDs every two weeks with messages ) ii. Film Ministries iii. Prison Ministries ( One prisoner was released and worked as part time evangelist, but was than killed by his enemies. ) iv. Medical Camps v. VBS ( 1,515 children this year )

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CLCI Seminary Report

Delivered by Jyothi Benjamin - CLCI a. 95 Fully trained pastors have come from Seminary in the last 13 years ( 6 previous Muslim ) b. 14 Graduates Seminary this last June c. 436 graduates from Bible Correspondence Course d. 10 Graduates from Correspondence Course this last June

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CLCM Report

Delivered by Kham - CLCM a. The CLCM operates primarily in the Chin state of Myanmar, and works primarily among the ethnic group Teddim Chim ( there are 35 ethnic groups in Myanmar ) b. 95% of the population is Buddhist c. The Headquarters are Munlai Kalaymo, Sagaing Division where any foreigner can visit without restriction from the government. d. 9 pastors, 2 evangelists, and 1 worker – 56 congregations e. Evangelist Hmang – is able to enter the military camps and speak in Burmese and preach and teach among the Burmese, especially among the military. Because his father was military he is able to enter among the military. f. They have 3 schools, but these schools were shut down by the government g. Able to purchase four plots of land for permanent site for CLCM i. Build a church, office for chairman and secretary, later on children home, and college h. It is our deep desire to open Lutheran Institute – There are young men waiting to enter into study for the ministry

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JAPC All Essays

All Essays given at the 2011 JAPC in Chennai

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Kadapa Report

Delivered by V. Victor - BELC a. Trusting the Lord’s sovereign guidance frees us from financial worry. This keeps us focused on ministry rather than relying on human ingenuity or cleverness to raise money. b. Districts where V. Victor is working: Kadapa, Kurnool, Rayachotti, Rajampetta, Mydukur and Goa. c. “I am one of the agents of God . . . [to] multiply many agents of the Lord . . .” d. Three times he has visited Goa, now a fourth is planned. In Goa the pastors’ native tongue is English. A few people also speak Portuguese.

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MLBS Report

Delivered by D. Paul - BELC a. The teachers of the MLBS along with what it is they teach i. T. Sampath; V. Rajamani; K. Ashirvadham; B. Bhasker; D Paul b. Graduation Feb 28 – 18 Graduates c. March 1st – Inauguration – 16 new students ( 6 students from BELC congregation – 10 from outside the BELC ) d. Many from other congregations request

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Nellore and Renigunta Districts Report

Delivered by Moses Raghu - BELC a. Nellore – Pastors 45 – Children 1200 – Adults 1700 b. Renigunta – Pastors 40 – Childrens 977 – Adults 1300 c. Built 2 church buildings d. Leprosy Work e. Bangalore – 30 pastors – here they are waiting for us to come – I visited once, Moses visited twice more

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Nepal Report

Delivered by Raju Bhitrakoti - HCLCN a. 2 pastors near Tibet border cross into the Tibet area and do some teaching – plus there are some contacts across the border that are interested in working with HCLC-N b. STATS: Pastors 23, Baptized Believers 200+, Church Members 3500+ c. Monthly Youth Fellowship with 80 -100 attending d. Mrs. Rama ( JB’s Wife ) is also teaching Woman Conferences Annually e. Orphanage started with 11 children in home

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