I Cor.. 16:9 ‘For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.’
9th Annual Meeting of our lead pastors in India-Oct. 2009
Himalayan Church of the Lutheran Confession NEPAL
Nepal is a country where history of Christianity is not more than 50 years. So Nepal is far behind in Christianity. The major religions of the country are Hindu, Buddhist, Islam, Kirant, Shikh, etc. There is about 1% Christian population in the country. Large numbers of people have not heard of Jesus Christ and Gospel.
Many of the pastors and leaders are not well trained and not equipped with the proper training. So the believers are not getting good spiritual food as well as they are unable to reach to the depth of the Bible. So, there is not strong Christian foundation and there is a great need to lay strong Christian foundation. Therefore we searched the Lutheran organization that can help us to understand the Biblical truth and encourage us in our ministry.
As well there is lack of workers to preach Gospel of the Kingdom. We were praying that we can equip new leaders for the Glory of the Lord.
How CLC became involved in Nepal
As we started correspondence, we came to know that CLC is engaged in training pastors and leaders in India through CLCI and BELC. We started our correspondence with CLC in Sept. 2007. Pastor Todd Ohlmann lead us to start correspondence study on “Shadows and Substance” written by Pastor John Schierenbeck. We studied it and other books and came to know that CLC was indeed a true teaching church body with whom we would like to work. Later, I with my father and brother complete “Shadows and Substance”. Pastor Ohlmann sent us some books, such as a Sydow Lutheran Catechism and workbook along with Mueller’s Summary of Christian Doctrine, the Augsburg Confession, and other books. So we began to study other books too.
First Trip to Nepal
The first trip was made in May 27 to June 2, 2008
As we requested Pastor Todd Ohlmann to come and offer pastoral training seminars to our pastors and leaders. At that time we have 8 pastors from different congregations. We prayed humbly to the Lord and He replied us by sending His ministers Rev. Todd Ohlmann and Rev. Matthew Ude.
They visited Hetauda, Chitwan, Butwal and other ministry places to see as well as to teach and encourage our congregations.
After all visits, we made a meeting with Pastor Todd and Pastor Matthew with our pastors. It was June 1, 2008 and we made a doctrinal discussion for 8 hours. As the doctrinal discussion finished we decided to start a Lutheran Church body in Nepal for the first time. After an hour or so of discussion by the pastors a resolution to join together and form a Confessional Lutheran Church body in Nepal passed with a unanimous vote and enthusiastic clapping of hands and singing. Pastor Todd suggested us to choose a name that best represents us and the doctrine we intend to proclaim. We chose the name: Himalayan Church of the Lutheran Confession of Nepal.
Second Trip to Nepal – Jan. 21-Feb. 3, 2009
On the second visit we spent much time with Pastor Todd and Pastor Matthew in discussions about the doctrine as well as the ministry in Nepal and the growth of HCLCN.
We have opportunity to organize seminars in 7 different places. I hope more than 1500 people were blessed from these seminars. We also get time to visit to some more congregations in this visit. Pastors Todd and Matthew visited to our congregation on the mountain, (Resuwa, near Langtang Mountain range) which is very difficult to reach and we have a day seminar there.
We have a doctrinal discussion with the HCLCN pastors and leaders for 3 days. At this discussion period pastors and leaders understood much and they also kept their confusions and other related issues and Pastors Todd and Matthew helped them to understand from the Holy Bible.
This time we have 14 new pastors who are interested to join HCLCN.
HCLCN Current Ministries:
Monthly Pastoral Training:
We have monthly meetings for HCLCN pastors. In these days we train them with the Word of God as well as books such as Shadows and Substance, My Church and Others, What the Bible and Lutherans teach, Sydow Lutheran Catechism.
Besides training we also have ministry discussions, sharing and prayers for each others ministry, CLC Board of Missions, CLC oversees ministries.
We organize these meetings in different places as convenience of pastors and leaders.
HCLCN is engaged in evangelism to the unreached areas of the country. We are focusing on villages and the remote areas because in urban areas there is television evangelism, and many churches.
Visitation to Churches:
We visit to our churches in need basis. Mostly my father Pastor JB travels to different HCLCN locations. He visits and encourages pastors and leaders as well as he teaches the church members on different issues.
Publication and Distribution:
We have published Christian books and we distribute among different pastors and leaders. We have published Shadows and Substances, What the Bible and Lutherans Teach, My Church and Others, etc. and we are praying to print “Sydow Lutheran Catechism” soon.
We arrange Christian tracts from other publishers and distribute them to the HCLCN churches.
We also distribute CD’s, DVD’s based on the Gospel. We produce them and distribute them in very low price to village people.
Youth Ministry:
We organize youth seminars, camp and evangelism programs for the youth for their spiritual growth. These kinds of seminars are organized twice a year and camps and evangelism were done in monthly basis.
We also have a youth fellowship twice a month and in this types of fellowships we discuss on the contemporary issues concerning to youth.
Medical Missions:
We are also engaged in medical ministry. These times we have awareness programs on HIV/AIDS, Swine Flu and Diarrhea. We hope that it influenced more than 2000 people.
In future we are praying to organize medical camps for the poor and destitute people who cannot afford for the health facilities.
Prayer Needs:
1)For HCLCN pastors, leaders and their families, congregations and
2)For HCLCN monthly training, that it may sustain and can provide
training to more new leaders.
3)The financial needs of pastors and leaders.
4)For the extension of the Kingdom in Nepal.
5)For the persecutions led by Hindu-extremists.
6)For right and justice for Nepalese Christians.
7)For peace and security in Nepal.
(Submitted by the HCLCN)
Study of Angels
We have twelve angels at the twelve Gates of Heavenly Jerusalem
Pastor Koenig