I Cor.. 16:9 ‘For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.’
November 30, 2009
The Church of the Lutheran Confession of Myanmar
Mark Bohde and I had the pleasure in November of visiting brothers and sisters in the faith in Myanmar. After Mark Bohde finished up his visit to Thailand which involved exploring how to return to work there and what the work would involve, he came to Yangon. I came over from India and we proceeded to Kalay. A three day seminar on a wide variety of Scripture material was held. All 56 congregations had at least one representative present among the 66 registered participants. We also had the joy of preaching five straight nights to encourage the people in their faith. Myanmar is under military rule with its at times very oppressive aspects. We as foreigners would have to get special permission to go into Chin State where nearly all congregations are, and it is doubtful we could get permission. The oppressiveness upon the Chin is far worse. Christians in Myanmar have to be so careful to carry on their religion. Churches are closed easily by the government. Some tribes in Myanmar face far worse persecution than others.
Despite the difficulties, and remembering that it is through many tribulations we enter the kingdom, our brothers are working to increase the faith of members through the Word and reaching out to those outside the faith. Two new evangelists have been appointed. One is to assist the pastors who each serve 6-8 congregations. The other is going to Burmese army military camps and witnessing to contacts.
We had meetings in which we considered how the CLC could help in:translation and printing of materials in Chin, obtaining Chin and Burmese Bibles and portions, locating land that could serve as a headquarters of the church, and several other matters.
Myanmar is divided up into seven states where the majority of the tribes live and seven divisions where a majority of the Burmese live. While the tribes have been being reached for hundreds of years, the Burmese are not so evangelized. Pray that our brothers can continue, as they have stated and shown, to reach out to the Burmese.
Pastor Thang is president and Pastor Kham is secretary. They have an executive committee of eighteen consisting of pastors and elders that govern the church. Pray for God’s continued blessings in the face of the devil’s opposition.
Joy in Heaven
The angels in heaven rejoice over one sinner who repents. What must it be like when a whole family hears the Word and one by one they believe!
In India the mission work has been traditionally among the lower castes, out-castes and tribal people. It is not simple or easy to reach the higher castes, although of course Christ died once for all. It is with joy in our hearts when we see God’s Spirit penetrate the caste. Recently, the long arduous work of reaching just one sinner and then through that repented sinner others began to pay its spiritual dividends for Pastor D. Paul Bakthavachalam of the BELC, India. He recently wrote:
” Just I want to inform to you that we have converted one new caste Hindu and orthodox family at Koppedu town.
They belong to the Reddy Caste. Dhanacheyalu and his wife recently took baptism on November 1st. Fifteen members are in that family.
I regularly have been preaching the Word of God in the midst of that family each and every Sunday after our Koppedu church service.
They eagerly listened to the word of God and request prayer also.
I request you to pray for that family and for the whole family conversion accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.”
When Dhanacheyalu was to be baptized he took all pictures of Hindu gods out of his house. He even wanted to dig up the corner of his house where some Hindu statues were buried when the house was dedicated. The Reddy Caste is part of the Brahman highest caste structure. Now here is something very specific to pray about. Notice that it takes time to reach these people. Pray that men like Pastor D. Paul continue to spend the time that is necessary and exercise the patience that is needed in facing such long term resistance. Other members of the family want to be baptized. Pray that this family becomes integrated into the congregation at Koppedu and extends it’s joy to other members of the family.
In GENESIS the world was made by God’s creative hand,
In EXODUS the Hebrews marched to gain the promised land.
LEVITICUS contains the Law, Holy and Just and Good,
NUMBERS records the tribes enrolled, all sons of Abraham’s blood.
Moses in DEUTERONOMY records God’s deeds,
Brave JOSHUA into Canaan’s land the host of Israel leads.
In JUDGES their rebellion oft provokes the Lord to smite,
But RUTH records the faith of one well-pleasing in His sight.
In I & II SAMUEL of Jesse’s sons we read,
Ten tribes in I & II KINGS revolted from his seed.
In I & II CHRONICLES see Judah captive made,
But EZRA leads a remnant back by princely Cyrus’ aid.
The city walls of Zion, NEHEMIAH builds again,
While ESTHER saves her people from plots of wicked men.
In JOB we read how faith will live beneath affliction’s rod,
And David’s PSALMS are precious songs of every child of God.
The PROVERBS like a goodly string of choicest pearl appear,
ECCLESIASTES teaches man how vain are all things here.
The mystic SONG OF SOLOMON exalts sweet Sharon’s Rose,
While Christ the Savior and the King the rapt ISAIAH shows.
The warning JEREMIAH apostate Israel scorns,
His plaintive LAMENTATIONS then their awful downfall mourns.
EZEKIEL in wondrous words of dazzling mysteries,
While kingdoms and empires yet to come, DANIEL in vision sees.
Of Judgment and of mercy HOSEA loves to tell,
JOEL describes the blessed days when God with men shall dwell.
Among Tekoa’s herdsmen AMOS received his call,
While OBADIAH prophesies of Edom’s final fall.
JONAH enshrines a wondrous type of Christ our Risen Lord.
MICAH pronounces Judah lost – – lost but again restored,
NAHUM declares on Nineveh last Judgment shall be poured.
A view of the Chaldean’s coming doom HABAKKUK’S visions give,
Next ZEPHANIAH warns the Jews to turn, repent and live.
HAGGAI wrote to those who saw the temple built again,
And ZECHARIAH prophesied of Christ’s triumphant reign.
MALACHI was the last who touched the High Prophetic cord,
It’s final note sublimely shows the COMING OF THE LORD.
MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE AND JOHN – the holy Gospels wrote –
describing how the Savior died, His life, and all He taught.
ACTS prove how God, the apostles led with signs in every place,
St. Paul in ROMANS tells how man is saved by grace.
Paul in CORINTHIANS instructs, exhorts, reproves,
GALATIANS shows that faith alone the Father loves.
EPHESIANS AND PHILIPPIANS tell what Christians ought to do,
COLOSSIANS bid us live for God and for eternity true.
In THESSALONIANS we are told the Lord will come from heaven,
In TIMOTHY AND TITUS a bishop’s rule is given.
PHILEMON marks a Christian love, which only Christians know,
HEBREWS reveals the Gospel prefigured by the law.
JAMES teaches that without deeds, faith is vain and dead,
PETER points the narrow way in which the saints are led.
JOHN, in his three epistles on love delights to dwell,
ST. JUDE gives awful warnings of Judgment, wrath and Hell.
REVELATION prophesies of that tremendous day
when Christ and Christ alone shall be the sinner’s stay.
Pastor Koenig |