I Cor. 16:9  “For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.”

Jan. 30, 2008

ELCC Congo Capsule Summary
Our sister church in the Democratic Republic of Congo faces a lot of inquiries of pastors to join. But once they find out there is not salary and other benefits they pull back. This is not new in any of our sister churches. We have seen this over and over. But in Congo it has been to a larger extent. The important thing is that the inquirers are taken through our teachings. The brothers in Congo have taken renewed effort in translating our materials into Swahili and French. We hope that soon there will  be copies of many materials typeset to be copied. Some of these we have on our website www.lutheranmissions.org and the others will be put on when done.
Pastor Mutombo Muzakuza continues to try to reach out to areas beyond the immediate area of Lubumbashi. Recently Martin Essien from the NCLC in Nigeria was able to accompany Pastor Koenig to Congo to consider all the work there, especially any self-help efforts. Martin Essien is a businessman from Nigeria. In meeting with the catechists, who teach the catechism and Bible stories there was discussion on visual aids such as line drawings to help teach the truths of the Bible. The catechists have a theme for this year of the Beatitudes to work on visual aids and teaching tools to help teach these from Matthew 5.  Pray for our brothers and sisters in DRC that they continue to find true searchers after the truth that these learn from them and remain with them to share the work of preaching and teaching.
Annual Report on BELC to India Pastoral Conference Part 1 ( 7 districts)
In the BELC there are district chairmen for the different districts. Pastor D. Paul, who is also president of the BELC, gave a report on seven of the districts as follows. It should be remembered that when he gives the numbers of pastors and congregations this includes both those in fellowship and those in study who have to go through the catechism, 14 pamphlets on our church and other points. The remaining districts’ reports will be in part 2.
“We are very happy to present the annual report of the year 2006-2007. The BELC districts of Uthukottai, Vaniyambadi, Chennai, and Tiruvallur are in Tamil Nadu State. Koppedu, Sri Kalahasti, and Chittor districts are in Andhra Pradesh State. Our aim and objective is teaching and preaching the pure Word of God and saving souls through the Word and Sacrament.

  • 26 pastors serve under Uthukottai District in 26 congregations and 11 preaching points.
  • 29 pastors serve under Vaniyambadi District in 35 congregations and 17 preaching points. T. Sampath is chairman of these two districts.
  • 39 pastors serve under Chennai District in 47 congregations and 22 preaching points.
  • Tiruvallure District was recently opened with 26 pastors. These men have come to us from Tamil Ev. Luth. Church and Church of Christ. V. Rajamani is chairman of these two districts.
  • 26 pastors serve under the Sri Kalahasti District in 35 congregations.
  • 26 pastors serve under the Chittoor District in 28 congregations. B. Bhasker is chairman of these two districts.(It should be mentioned that at the pastoral conference a letter was received of inquiry to form a new district with men from the South Andhra Lutheran Church in Naidupet.)
  • 26 pastors serve under the Koppedu District in 32 congregations. D. Paul is in charge of this district.(It should be mentioned that he would like to begin a new district with inquirers in Tirutani.)

These pastors are conducting regular Sunday worship services and Sunday school. 3998 children are taught in these Sunday schools. Weekday services are also held and catechism study takes place also. Twelve church building projects were undertaken with nine complete and three under construction.

We have inaugurated Martin Luther Bible School, a two year course at Nagalapuram on Feb. 20th with 17 students.  Five pastors teach in our MLBS with D. Paul the main teacher. Classes are held from Monday to Thursday. Gospel team work is done by these students. Our team workers use Luther’s Small Catechism and New Testaments in Tamil and Telugu in outreach giving to hindus. We have seen fruit from this effort. There are many requests for the materials.

The VBS program is aimed at reaching rural children during the summer. Our Mission Helpers trip from the CLC-USA was very useful for these VBS classes. Our Mission Helpers worked  also  to strengthen pastors and believers in the Word of God.

In the name of our Triune God we have carried out the plans and programs. Please pray for us and our soul winning and gaining ministry. Let us go to God’s throne of grace continuously in these days of prayer.”

(Submitted by Pastor D. Paul)
Bible Challenges
Quiz Book by F.H.Moehlmann
We begin a series of Bible Challenge questions and answers. The answers to the questions will be printed in the following B.A.S.I.C.   Try to answer each question and than check your answers next time.
l.  A surprise in store for the disciples at the well in Samaria.
2. He receive the greatest surprise of his life while on his way to Damascus.
3. Women surprised while on their way to the tomb of a loved one.
4. Parents surprised at what they saw taking place in the temple.
5. This priest was really surprised while he was offering sacrifice.
6. Jesus surprised while teaching in a house.
7. Christians surprised at hearing this former foe preach Christ.
8. A large army surprised at midnight by three hundred men.
9. A husband and wife received the greatest surprise of their lives in their own home.
10.They were surprised to see the Holy Ghost poured out also on the Gentiles.
11.Two disciples really surprised by what women told them on the day of Christ’s
12.A king’s daughter surprised while going swimming.
13.People surprised to see a man live after having been bitten by a poisonous beast.
14.They were perfectly amazed to hear these men speaking their language.
15.A king surprised at Jerusalem by the visit of strangers from the East.
Pastor Koenig