Report from BELC in India
Joint District Meeting
Pastor D. Paul, the head of the BELC who recently turned 46, decided to try having a joint Koppedu – Uthukottai District meeting at a marriage hall in Nagalapuram. There were 58 present. With the addition of Martin Luther Bible School graduates to Koppedu, this makes the group too large to meet at our rented building. It has been tried to have a joint meeting on the roof, but that means a tent rented and it gets hot up there. The building owners may try to sell it so we might have to move to another rented one. If all the men of the two districts come, it would be about 75. It was crowded already in the rented building with just one district.
BELC Building Survey
During the month of April, a survey was undertaken to assess the various needs of congregations for their place of worship. It should be noted that the members oftentimes have donated land for their churches, and new men joining the fellowship have brought along church buildings. There is a wide array of needed materials for their humble sanctuaries, such as roofing sheets, doors, windows, plaster for the walls, fill dirt and floors, cement to patch the floors, etc. How much we are able to help these congregations depends upon the amount of funds available in the Mission Development Fund. May the Lord bless these efforts in our joint Kingdom work.