I Cor. 16:9  “For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.”

May 12, 2007

No one ever graduates from Bible study until he meets the author face to face. We celebrate Pentecost on May 20th of this year. This is a celebration of the expansion of the New Testament church, which is the witnessing church.

WITNESSING Word Not in Vain      A highwayman once stopped John Wesley and demanded his money or his life.  Wesley, after giving him the money, said, “Let me speak one word to you; the time may come when you will regret the course of life in which you are now engaged.  Remember this, ‘The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin.'”  No more was said, and they parted.  Many years after, as Wesley was going out of a church in which he had been preaching, a stranger introduced himself, and asked Wesley if he remembered being waylaid at such a time.  He said he recollected it.  “I was that man,” said the stranger,  “and that single verse you quoted on that occasion was the means of a total change in my life and habits.  I have long since been in the practice of attending the house of god and of giving attention to His word, and trust that I am a Christian.”   Now Is All the time We Have     l. Remember that this may be the day the Lord returns.  The thought of Psalm 118:24 surely includes our rejoicing in the return of the Lord.  If I really believe Christ may return today, I’ll live differently than I ever have, seeking to effect others for Christ.  Nobody knows when He will return, so we ought to live each day as though He will come back today.   2. Use time wisely, make the most of every opportunity. (Col.4:5)  Don’t make excuses–be involved in the lives of those outside the Lord.  Pray daily that God will keep alive in your heart a picture of those who are outside Christ as being lost.  Ask God to revive your loving concern that all men be taught of Him, and to help you be involved in every effort to teach them.   3. Treat everyone as if you’ll never see them again. If we don’t take for granted that we’ll have time in the future, surely our treatment of each other will greatly improve.  Use the time now to share a little about Jesus, for you may not have another opportunity.    If we truly believe now is all the time we have, what a difference that will make in our lives.  It’s great to be part of the family of God.

Church Year #6 – TRINITY We conclude this last of the reminders of how the church year is divided so that we can better teach our people the basic truths of our Christian faith.

Trinity Season

Trinity Sunday is June 3rd and the Trinity season lasts until Dec. 1st of 2007. ·        Ep.: Rom. 11:33-36, Gos.: Jn. 3:1-15 During this season several series of sermons on different topics could be preached. This is the non-festival half of the Church Year. We as Lutherans do celebrate Oct. 31st as Reformation Day. ·        Ep.:Rev. 14:6-7, Gos.: Mt. 11:12-15 There are many minor festivals that the church used to celebrate, but do not really much anymore. There were days on which different of the apostles would be remembered. But as time passed we considered that focusing on them instead of our Lord was unwise. In The Lutheran Hymnal pp. 159-167 there are many texts one can pick from to preach on. Of course especially during this season and not just on Trinity Sunday sermons could be based on a variety of texts to teach of how our God is three Persons in one God. You could use some texts that show all three persons together or texts that show each individually is God.

The Angels in Heaven Rejoice Over One Sinner Who Repents Here are two stories that you may rejoice also. In our sister church, Etago CLC, some years ago a pastor openly sinned and was disciplined by the men. He left the church. Now he has returned confessing his sin and asking for forgiveness. The people have welcomed him back  as a member of the congregation with the Lord’s forgiveness . Many years ago a Bible institute student in the Nigerian CLC openly sinned and was reprimanded. He left the NCLC. He has now returned, attending church and publicly confessed his sin in the congregation. He has been welcomed back. The faculty of the Bible Institute will now consider him for membership. The Word of God is alive and active and sharper than any two edged sword piercing…Heb. 4:12 Let us pray that if there are any pastors in our fellowships who  are violating the Word of God and the conduct that a minister should follow that such  repent and seek the Lord’s forgiveness.  Let us also praise our merciful God whose Spirit works on hearts through the Word. May each of us also faithfully speak the Word that is needed.

Pastor Koenig