2012 Mission Helper Trip to East Africa
The Lord has blessed us with the following fellow Christians who will be traveling to East Africa on the Mission Helper Trip this summer: Gretchen Eichstadt, Emily Tester, Christiana Schreyer, Jessica Ohlmann, Jennifer Grabow, Kate Oster, Tom Naumann, Ashley Elliott, Matthew Kranz, Kirsten Gullerud, Lucas Brown, Jordan Horillo, Randy Wittorp, Loren Hansen, Pastor Mike Gurath, and Pastor Todd Ohlmann.
These sixteen mission helpers will be divided up into four teams. They will work with pastors and members of CLC-Tanzania and CLC-Kenya to carry out child evangelism. The pastor-trained members of this team will preach in our sister congregations and conduct pastoral training sessions.
In preparation for this trip the team will need a passport, take the recommended vaccinations, and get a prescription of malaria medication. Most important of all, they will be studying the Bible materials they will use in sharing the message of our Savior.