

I Cor. 16:9  “For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.”

November 30, 2006

In a recent Newsletter, you were given a quiz on the Books of the Bible. Here are the answers. a) Titus, b) III John, c) Philippians, d) Jude, e) II Cor., f) John, g) Romans, h) Luke, i) Col., j) Eph., k) Gal., l) Mark, m) Rev., n) Heb., o) I Jn., p) I Cor., q) James, r) Matt., s) 2 Jn., t) I Tim., u) Philemon, v) 2 Thess., w) II Pet., x) Acts, y) I Thess., z-1) I Pet., z-2) II Tim.    

A Study of the Creeds Historical Background The Nicene Creed takes its name from the city of Nicea where a great church council was held in 325 at the direction of the Emperor Constantine. The church had been torn apart by controversy over the false teaching of Arius who taught that Jesus was not God equal to the Father. We can see in the second article of this creed the expansion of the wording to explain in more detail the truth as against this error. Of the important added wording to the second article was “of one or the same substance with.” By this the Arians were rejected in teaching that Jesus was not God the same as the Father. At another church council at Constantinople in 381 the Nicene Creed in its expanded form was reaffirmed. This expanded form as we have it today was yet again reaffirmed as true at the church council meeting at Chalcedon in 451. We use in the CLC-USA the Nicene Creed once a month on communion Sundays. Then the congregation jointly confesses this statement of faith.   Exercize In the Nicene Creed as follows the new wording is in parenthesis. On a separate sheet of paper write out the passage from the list that supports the new wording. I believe in (one God,) the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and (of all things visible and invisible.) And in (one Lord) Jesus Christ, the (only begotten Son of God,) (begotten of the Father before all worlds,)(God of God,)( Light of Light,)( very God of very God,)(begotten, not made,)(being of one substance with the Father;)(by whom all things were made;)(who for us men, and for our salvation,) came down from heaven, and was incarnated by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was made man, and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again (according to he Scriptures;) and ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again with (glory) to judge the quick and the dead; (whose kingdom shall have no end.) And I believe in the( Holy Ghost, the Lord and giver of life,)(who proceedeth from the Father and the Son;) who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified;(who spake by the Prophets.)And I believe in one holy Christian and (Apostolic) Church. I acknowledge (one Baptism for the remission of sins;) and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.   Rom.6:1-4, Deut. 6:4, Rom. 8:2, Col. 1:16, Jn. 17:5, Is. 53:5-6, Jn. 8:12, Eph. 2:20, Mt. 25:31, Jn. 1:14,18, Jn. 1:3, Jn. 15:26, I Cor. 8:6, II Pet. 1:21, Heb. 1:2-3, Lk. 1:33, Jn. 14:8-11, Col. 1:15-17, Col. 2:9

THE CLC NAIROBI PROGRESS REPORT FOR 2006 In the year 2006, through hard work and faith in Christ,The CLC Nairobi (Kenya) has witnessed a busy period with stations registering an increase in the number of members, both adults and children. The Ngong’ fellowship had a little drawback due to the shifting of the worship hall to a smaller hall that occurred because of financial difficulties.   We also have got six more stations in Murang’a,  Nyahururu,  Muhuru Bay and Kawanware(Nairobi). In all these stations we have registered a growing interest of the members in the Church and more people are pledging to join us. Seemingly, we seem to have more women in our fellowships than men but nevertheless we still have men in them. Murang’a has  the highest number of members.   It is worth to mention that we discommunicated with three fellowships in Gikambura, Makuyu and Waithaka, all led by pastors Joseph, Mbuthia, and Kamau respectively. This was mainly due to their refusal to child baptism and women leadership in the congregation.   All in all we believe that in the next one year our church will see further growth and I have faith in Jesus Christ that this will be. FUTURE PLANS Having been registered as a church in Kenya now, our main focus is to now have an office or one central place from where all our activities can be coordinated. We had been given a six months ultimatum by the government and now we have two and half months to go. A plot of land has ben identified and donated by one of our lady worshipers. We plan to build a semi permanent building for the church and also use it as teaching class room for three grades during the week for the children in our congregation.   Members have offered to participate in the construction so as to minimize cost. We are also going to recycle some old iron sheets available in the same compound for the same reason. Teachers for the children will also be from the congregation.   Pastor Koenig saw the plot and advises us to do a budget proposal which we did and handed over to him. It is our hope and faith in Him(Jesus) that we will be able to accomplish this mission and further serve our Lord.   Thank you.   Report by: Steve Muendo skithisya [at] yahoo [dot] com —————————–

Pastor Koenig